“您今天想为您购买的汽车延长保修期吗? 这只是……”
Anyone who’s ever made a large purchase, like a computer, 一个电视, 一个设备, or a car has heard this question. and many consumers turn down the offer. But are those people making a mistake? 你真的需要延长汽车保修期吗?它值这个钱吗? 以下是你需要知道的,以及在做决定之前要问自己的一些问题.
What is an extended car warranty?Mechanic fixing a car
An extended warranty, or mechanical breakdown protection, 服务合同是否包括制造商保修期满后的维修费用. 为了便于比较,它就像你的车辆的保险单.
Who offers extended warranties?
经销商、保险公司、信用合作社、汽车俱乐部和其他第三方. Like anything else, shop around. 重要的是要了解延长保修包括什么,以及你可以把你的车去哪里维修. 在这里,在Arbor金融我们的机械故障保护也可转让,如果你卖掉你的车,并附带路边援助. 除了, 我们的全国保险范围允许您选择将汽车送到哪里维修. 仅在2022年,我们的保险就为会员节省了191,101美元的维修费用. 
Is there a deductible?
Fully understand the 政策 deductible before committing. At Arbor Financial, we have a zero deductible 政策, 然而,许多保单要求的免赔额可能会让你在保修开始支付更换或维修费用之前掏出几百美元.
Let’s face it, not all cars are equal. 网上有很多跟踪客户投诉的网点, 如果你正在考虑买车的话,调查一下它们也是值得的. 了解你的车的历史可以帮助你决定延长保修是否适合你.
女人 happily signing formHow does an extended vehicle warranty help your budget?
通过购买保修单,你可以避免意外的维修费用. In 2022, our highest claim was over $8,由于有保修,会员没有支付任何修理费用. 这保护了成员免受大量意外成本的影响,并帮助保护了他们的预算. 记住,即使是最可靠的车辆也会出现机械问题.


Purchase your extended warranty three easy ways: 

  1. 保修 Loan Option - Finance your warranty for as low as 5.99% APR for up to three years2.
  2. 再融资 Your 汽车 Loan -你可以在你的汽车贷款中包括保修,以获得较低的月供. 
  3. 现金 - You have the option to pay for your warranty in full.

Arbor Financial offers extended vehicle warranty options for members to choose from. “Our loan rates are competitive, 会员可以通过电话申请贷款,以便快速批准和发放贷款。”Arbor Financial负责贷款服务的副总裁说. 所有Arbor的机械故障保护选项都有这些巨大的好处:$0免赔额, nationwide coverage, transferable plans, total loss refund1, and 24/7 emergency roadside assistance (towing, lock-out service, 电池跳, flat tire assistance, and fuel delivery). 学习 more about coverage. 


1. Must purchase Total Loss Refund option.

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